Practical help & insights
for a life of adventure, creativity & meaning
You Are A Genius: How to Find Your Advantage and Excel
We don’t look at someone like Serena Williams, the tennis legend, and wonder why she can’t play basketball very well. It would be absurd for her to think to herself, “I’m a terrible basketball player. I suck at long distance running.” Of course! She’s meant to be a tennis player and and she’s a world class at it.
The Beauty Of An Ordinary Saturday
I smile in wonder at myself. How am I even doing this? How I get to this? I ask myself. Just a few months ago, I had no motivation to do anything other than go to work and go to the gym a few times a week. Now, this is my first time at the gym in months because I decided “the fitness classes weren’t hard enough.”
My Search for Truth, Faith and God
I had to wait for the dust to settle from my “spiritual overhaul”, excavate the mess I found in soul and hope that my feet will land in this reality again.
That Time God Totally Crashed My World (VIDEO)
My journey took a sudden and drastic turn while I was in Montenegro in July 2017. It was as if a veil lifted and I could see through the reality I lived in, into a spiritual reality.