Practical help & insights
for a life of adventure, creativity & meaning
From Greece to Germany: Working In the Refugee Crisis
Working in a humanitarian crisis is not easy, but so worth it. I met the brightest lights in humanity and also the darkness in humanity. And found the gold.
How I Traveled Coast-to-Coast Across USA, thanks to my Periscope following.
I don't have followers. I only have family. And together, we did it! We actually did it!! I am writing this email from San Francisco where I will be jamming with 1000+ broadcasters at Periscope Summit tonight!
I left Toronto, Canada for NYC on Dec 29 at midnight and since then I traveled 4000 miles from coast-to-coast; took 1 train, 2 buses, 3 flights, 9 cars; slept on 1 couch, 2 air mattresses and 6 beds in 9 homes in 15 days and hosted 5 meditation events & workshops!
My Journey of 4000 Miles Begins With This Step.
I feel like I'm at the center of an avalanche of miracles. I'm standing here with my one little snow shovel and there is NO way I can catch this force of nature.
And the still, small voice inside me says - You don't have to. You're not supposed to. Let the miracles flow through you.
In 8 hours I am going to be on route to NYC, beginning my 4000 mile journey across America to raise funds for refugees fleeing Syria. Today marks the beginning of the "Soul Fam Caravan." The kick start to the Soul Fam Fund - a much bigger vision to use my life as a channel for bring more consciousness into the world.
How I Manifested A Being A Speaker At Periscope Summit
I heard about the first ever Periscope Summit within my first 2 weeks of creating my Periscope account. Even then, I just knew:
I’m going to be there. I’m going to get a free tick to Periscope Summit because I’m going to be a speaker.
When Things Don't Go According To Plan
When I first got the call about my cruise ship gig, I was so psyched to be back out in the wild, traveling and experiencing all that life has to offer. I wanted to Periscope the world, document my travels and share the entire journey. The universe opened a way for me to do this and I was so ready to fly.
The Consciousness of Travel: How I Found Paradise in New York City
The more I travel, the more I realize that I don’t need to travel to be happy.
Here's the thing: if you can’t enjoy your life as it is now, then you won’t enjoy your life more if you live in cool city (or whatever your version of paradise is).
She had no money and she liked it - with Lilou Mace
I just finished reading I Had No Money And I Liked It: The Abundant Journey Of An Open Heart by Lilou Mace and it is incredible. You can feel her love and pure energy pour out from pages. I devoured this book in 36 hours and I’m pretty sure I will do the same with her prequel, “I Had No Job and I Liked It” later this weekend. I even stayed up late to read it, which is notable because I’m a stickler for sleeping on time!
My Most Honest Blog Post Yet.
Since I started creating my dream business and posting about what I’m doing on social media, I’ve had many new and old friends tell me that they think what I’m doing is amazing.
What you can’t see on the outside, is that since I have started I have wanted to quit about, oh, 50 times..
My intention with my blog is to share my journey as openly and authentically as possible, with the hopes that when you see what really goes into bringing your vision out into the world, it will give you the courage to start and keep going when it gets tough.
How to keep your sense of awe for life
Yesterday I was in downtown Toronto for a meeting and on my way home, this ordinary moment caught me off guard. As I walked up the stairs onto the platform, I saw Toronto's Union station in a completely different light.
This time, I looked up, and I saw the blue sky peaking through open roof. I looked down the train tracks and I could see for miles. I took a big deep breath in and allowed myself to soak in the magnificence of this place. My memories of Italy came rushing back to me.
The Reason You Are Still Alive
Whenever I feel that I am at my wit's end and I seriously need help, I remember this incident in my life. Two years ago, on an epic bus ride from Kigali, Rwanda to Mwanza, Tanzania, I came across my own "guardian angel."
Everything was going wrong on on this bus ride and as night descended, I realized that I could actually die out here...
Where I Found the Courage to Carve My Own Path.
Why do we crave travel? When we strip away the fancy jet planes, french croissants and Facebook airport check-ins, what's that longing to travel?
I've learned that the desire to travel is the call of your Soul. It's that tiny voice inside that reminds you that there is more to life than what we can see if our First World Bubble.
I ran into an old friend last week. We hadn't seen each other in over a year and he commented, "I had no idea you wanted to be an entrepreneur," to which I replied, "Neither did I!"
What To Do If You're Too Broke To Travel This Summer
It's odd to admit, but I don't need to go on a trip this summer. I'm quite content living at my parents for now.
I'm not into mooching off my parents, but this is a just season in the Life of a Modern Day Twenty-something. (BTW, I fully intend on moving out soon and eventually travelling the entire world round. I figured it's high time for me to sit 'er down and crank out something useful)
Still, I'm in the same house everyday and it can be depressing.
I remember feeling so alive during my past trips, partly because I always knew that the experience was going to end. When my legs accumulated 117 mosquito bites in Tanzania, I *only* had two weeks left to the trip. When my shoulders were sunburnt in Bali (and I didn't bring any t-shirts!!), I *only* had 10 days left.
I tried to be grateful that I got to travel anyway.
Life is never so bad.
Yea, I'm not cruising across the African desert plains this summer but I'm alive and kicking (and will be kicking until my next season of travel arrives).
In the meantime, this is how I stay inspired. If you've ever felt like you're dying to go on a trip, you'll love this vlog: