Practical help & insights
for a life of adventure, creativity & meaning
I Made It to Paris!
Most of the time I've very forward thinking and it's easy to dream up some castle in the sky to build with my life. This night, however, my mind was blank.
Is it Safe to Travel Alone as a Female?
Should you be traveling alone, especially if you’re a girl? In this video, I share my thoughts on safety, courage and society.
How I Created My First Meditation Retreat In Hawaii
What if everything in your life was preparing you for this moment? There are so many lessons that I'm gleaning from this experience putting my meditation course and retreat in Hawaii and watching it come to life.
The Best Definition of Travel Ever
Most people think that travel is a luxury, but that's just what marketing and advertising campaigns have taught us. Truthfully, travel is a CHOICE. It's your soul nudging you to wake up.