Global Citizen.
Fellow Pilgrim.

Discover The Heart Of Living

When we live from a place of gratitude, wonder, generosity and rest, everything changes.

Hi! I’m Anita.

A Friend & Sister For The Journey

I’m a creator, entrepreneur, writer and world traveller who is on the journey of life with you.

This is my little corner of the universe where I share what happens as I try to live my life with wisdom and courage.

So far, it’s taken me to 40 countries, shaped me through 3 careers, brought me a lifetime of friendships and filled me to overflow with gratitude.

Listen to The Podcast: Season One

Heavenly Minded Earthly Good

The Story of my Spiritual Journey: In 2017, I returned to Toronto after years of travel. I was ready to quit social media and everything I had built. Instead, God—or something like it— started to put my life and heart back together again. Season One tells this story.

New Collections Coming Soon

Collections are a series of 6-10 blogs updated and curated to guide you on a personal journey. Each collection is gently crafted to share of my personal journey and offer suggestions on how you might integrate this growth area in your own life.

A Life With True Rest:
A New Vision for Rhythms of Good Work and Good Rest


Transformed By Light:
My Return Home and Rebuilding Life From The Inside Out

COMING Mid 2024

Giving Is Living: Re-Defining Wealth and A Rich Life


Explore The Blog

Over the years, I’ve written on a wide array of topics from travel to finance, spirituality to entrepreneurship. I’m constantly changing, growing and deepening, and writing helps me to figure out where I am on the journey. I hope these pieces will bring some light to your journey too.

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The Spiritual Journey

Travel The World

The Creative Process

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