I moved to a little town by the lake

Hello Friends!

The last few months have been quite a whirlwind for me, but a very good one. One that showed that I can make it through seasons of overwhelm and whirlwinding and come out more resilient and grounded.

Here's a quick little update of what I've been up to:

I moved to a little town in the Niagara escarpment. It's about 30 minutes from world-famous Niagara Falls. This town feels like it's the perfect size for me. There are two big grocery stories, both under 3 minutes from me, a small library and just a handful independent and chain coffee shops.

It's seems to have just the right amount of peace and quiet, but still the things I'd need for first-world functioning. I am surrounded by nature.

This area, which is also Niagara wine country, is loaded with wineries -- 80+ to be exact. Each one is unique and and some are designed with so much character and charm. It could take me years to explore of them!

Since I got here in June, it's dawned on me that many of the things I was looking for in life when I was travelling can be found here, in Niagara wine country.

I even made a list. There are about 15 items that I had a HUNCH would be a signifier and sign of the next season of my life.

When I used to work at the church a few years ago, I would ask God, "when do I get to leave and live the next chapter of my life?!"

It was a strange thing to arrive here and realize that, I think my next chapter has begun!!! Other than the fact that it's not a different country, all the items on my hunch list are checked off.

But then again, Niagara wine country does have it's own unique culture and feel: it is like a different country from the Toronto area and other big cities.

Working On The Podcast

One big project that has consumed a lot of my emotional and creative bandwidth is finishing the podcast I'm producing with Tyndale University.

Heavenly Minded Earthly Good. There will be 11 episodes in season one and they are currently being published, with the final one on December 6. (There are 8 episodes out right now.) I'm still working on the final two episodes.

If you get a chance to listen to it, I think you'll understand why it's a lot of work. It's my story, pieces of the last few years and the big themes I've processed on my journey of faith, growing up and finding myself.

Here's just a quick overview of the titles, which will give you some idea of what's inside each:

Episode 1: The Art of Throwing Rocks at God

Episode 2: Invisible Grief, Hidden Trauma

Episode 3: Spiritual But Not Religious

Episode 4: When Theology Meets Marvel

Episode 5: The Weight Of A Woman

Episode 6: Heaven Bent featuring Tara Jean Stevens

Episode 7:  For the Love Of Idols

Episode 8: How To Start Healing 

Episode 9: House On A Hill 

Episode 10: Coming soon.

Episode 11: Coming soon!

I hope you'll get a chance to listen to it, if you want. And if you'd like, please do share your thoughts with me on instagram @anitawinglee or here! I'd love to hear from you.

Each episode is about 30 minutes, with 7 minutes after of what we call "unpolished" conversation.

It can be emotionally draining to work on this, because it's a real psychological and spiritual deep dive. If I wasn't making this officially with the university, I probably would have given up! So, sometimes it is a good thing to be forced to finish.

Almost Done My Masters Of Divinity!

So close! Just 2 courses and one big assignment left. I can almost see the finish line. The other day I was counting the number of hours I've spend on this in the last 3 years, and it was at least 1600+ hours.

I am amazed by how much I've done, but also aware that doing SO much work is not healthy. It's not sustainable.

A big theme for me in life right now is learning how to not overwork, to do the right amount of work, to have discernment about what I should be doing. Then to schedule, offload, or delegate the rest.

That's it for now. I hope this little update finds you well. And maybe, just maybe there will be videos again soon. 🙂 I'm quietly getting inspired by all the space and beauty around me. For now, there’s the podcast. Enjoy the incoming Christmas and holiday season, and take good care of yourself!

You are loved.

Infinite Love,


Anita Wing Lee
Transformational Life Coach, Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker and Mentor helping aspiring trailblazers turn their passion into their career.

Why Did I Do A Masters Of Divinity? Thoughts On (Almost) Being Done


Living For The Long Haul